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Welcome to the Engineers Club of Kansas City (ECKC) web site.

Latest News

October 2018 Luncheon

Join us on October 1, 2018

Presenter: Jennifer Collet

Topic: Blue Valley School District Center for Advanced Professional Studies

RSVP to John Warren at john.warren@hanescompanies.com by Sept 28 with your lunch choice

2018-2019 Officer Elections

At the May 7, 2018 luncheon, the membership voted on the following to serve as officers and Board of Directors:


President – Tony O’Malley

VP – Vacant

Treasurer – Chester Bender

Secretary – Cheryl Bornheimer-Kelly

Board of Directors

Past President – Nathan Hladky

Becky Bonebrake

Lawrence Oquendo

Jason Waldron

Steve Limkemann


The Board of Directors are looking at alternatives for lunch locations to move around the metro to encourage other attendance. So next year look at your invitations closely.

Kick of Mentoring Event is scheduled for August 9 at the Chicken-N-Pickle at 5:00 pm. Please email engineersclubofkc@gmail.com if you are interested. A formal invitation will be going out within the next few weeks.

Summer break for lunches has started. The next luncheon will be on September 10, 2018.

President’s Message

President’s Message

The Engineer’s Club of Kansas City’s mission is to “perpetuate the engineering profession by inspiring and assisting the next generation.” We’ve done exactly that for over 100 years as evidenced by providing more than $1 million in scholarships to local university students pursuing engineering-related degrees.

However, we are just the conduit. It is the generosity of so many KC-area engineering, construction, and service provider firms that step up each year to donate, sponsor, participate, and volunteer in our various fundraiser events.

The support that YOU provide allows US to support the next generation of engineers. From the Board, we sincerely thank you for your generosity and look forward to your participation in our three big fundraising events in 2022/23: Fall TopGolf (Oct/Nov), Shrimp Bingo (February 10, 2023—yes, you should save the date!), and our Spring Golf outing (Apr/May).

As with most industry associations, we are a 100% volunteer-run group. We are always looking for the next generation of volunteers and leaders. Please reach out to any of the officers or Board members to learn more about our various committees and volunteer roles. I can tell you from personal experience, it is very rewarding. I consider being entrusted to serve this year as President of the Engineer’s Club to be one of the highlights of my career.

To make sure you stay up to date, please click here to subscribe to announcements about upcoming events. Joining or renewing your membership is as easy as clicking here. An annual membership of just $50 allows you early access to register for the coveted Shrimp Bingo tickets and Spring Golf, both regularly sold-out http://eclubofkc.org/events.

I want to thank and recognize the 2022/23 leadership team serving with me this year. Our Officers are: Phil Jennings (Vice President), Julie Jenson (Treasurer), and Miranda Hamrick (Secretary), who are supported by Board members: Cheryl Kelley, Chester Bender, Tony O’Malley, Jason Waldron, and Nathan Hladky.

We look forward to seeing you at our monthly luncheon series that feature timely and noteworthy speakers and topics. Our first luncheon of the year on September 13, 2022, is one you won’t want to miss. Our keynote speaker is Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas who has graciously agreed to join us for the third year in a row. You’ll want to register soon as space is limited to the first 80 registrants.

The Engineer’s Club, and especially our scholarship recipients, THANK YOU for your past and continued generosity and support!


Scott Phillips, Assoc DBIA™, Garney Construction

2022-2023 ECKC President

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