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Shrimp Bingo

Click Here for information about tickets and sponsorship for 2022 Shrimp Bingo.

Engineers Club of Kansas City (ECKC) is a not- for-profit service organization dedicated to improving the impact of the engineering community on our metropolitan community. Founded in 1911, the Club includes engineering leaders from city and county governments, engineering consultants, construction contractors and industry.

One of the most important programs of the Club is our College Student Assistance Program. Annually, the program provides more than $40,000 in support to the educational endeavors of engineering students from the Kansas City metro area and with your help, we can do more!

One of the principle sources of funds supporting the College Student Assistance Program is the ECKC’s annual Shrimp Bingo Party. All proceeds from ticket sales and sponsorships for the event are donated to the Student Assistance fund. WHAT? Yes, that’s right! All proceeds go back to the Student Assistance Program to keep STEM strong in KC!

Ticket and Sponsorship Information are part of this package. On behalf of the Engineers Club, I would

like to invite you to consider a donation for this year’s important event. Your contribution is tax deductible, and your support will be repeatedly recognized throughout the event. Instructions and details are provided in the attached flyer. Simply fill out the form, mail it in with your sponsorship contribution and provide your company’s electronic logo. Sponsorship recognition is displayed at various locations at the event, as well as on placemats at each setting.

We believe this program is a great way to build upon your positive reputation within the Kansas City engineering community. It is an excellent opportunity to gain exposure to an influential group that plays a vital role in the building of our community, while supporting a most worthy cause. We look forward to your participation in this year’s event. Call me at 816-799-4792 or send an e-mail to

Jason.Waldron@kcmo.org if you have any questions.

Our event continues to grow in popularity and we’re again expecting to provide entertainment, shrimp, and bingo to over 1200 engineers and related professionals this year. We hope to see you, your friends, clients and co-workers among the 1200 faces on February 11th, 2022, at the Overland Park Convention Center!


Jason Waldron, P.E.

Engineers Club of Kansas City

Shrimp Bingo Committee Chair

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