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As you are aware, the E-Club Board made the difficult decision to cancel our annual Shrimp Bingo Fundraiser planned for February 5, 2021.  We considered postponing the event to later in the year or hosting a virtual Bingo event.  Based on the current state of the pandemic situation and projections for possible impacts continuing well into 2021, postponing the event to later in the year was determined to be impractical and not a viable option.  A virtual event was investigated, but would be completely out of character with the in-person social nature of Shrimp Bingo and was also considered not to be a viable alternative.  As such, the Board made the decision not to schedule any alternative Shrimp Bingo events for 2021, but focus on planning for the 2022 event.


Annually, the Engineers Club of Kansas City has been able to provide scholarships to local students in ABET accredited programs.  In 2020 we were able to grant scholarships totally $66,500.  With the cancellation of the 2021 Shrimp Bingo event, our primary source of revenue for our Student Assistance Fund is eliminated for the year.  Undergraduate engineering financial assistance is needed now more than ever.


In the absence of Shrimp Bingo in 2021, we hope everyone that planned on attending or sponsoring this year’s event will consider continuing their generosity with a donation to our scholarship fund.  Donation checks can be mailed to our Shrimp Bingo Coordinator, Melissa Prenger at the following address:


Melissa Prenger

City of Prairie Village

3535 Somerset Dr.

Prairie Village, KS  66208


Please make checks payable to: Engineers Club of Kansas City


Please feel free to contact any of the Board of Directors for additional information or any questions.


We appreciate your past support of Shrimp Bingo and we look forward to reciting the oath together again in 2022.


Engineers Club Board of Directors

December 20, 2020

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