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Golf Scramble


Thursday, May 7, 2021

Rain Date: To Be Announced


7:00am – Check-in/Breakfast/Practice

8:00am – Shotgun start

1:00pm – Lunch/Prizes


·Beer & pop

·Skins Game

·Longest drives and closest to the pin contests


·Awards immediately following Scramble


Four Person Team Scramble: All four players hit from tee. The team chooses the best ball and the other three players pickup. All four players hit from the location of the chosen ball. The process is continued until the ball is holed out.


Stone Canyon Golf Club

22415 East 39th St S, Blue Springs, MO 64015

(816) 228-3333


The number of golf teams is limited to 36 teams. Reservations are on an “as received” basis. All reservations must be accompanied with full payment. No phone reservations will be accepted.


$125.00 per person includes: 1/2 cart, green fee, prizes, refreshments, and lunch.

Make check payable to:

Engineers Club of Kansas City

If there are any questions contact Scott Phillips at (816) 401-0424 or sphillips@garney.com. Each team is encouraged to contain at least one member.

Engineers Club membership forms are available on the Engineers Club website. www.eclubkc.org

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